GamerProfiles Imprint

Last updated and effective: January 24, 2023


Contact information

GP 9000 GmbH (owner and operator of the application and trademark

GP 9000 GmbH, Reinhardtstraße 29, 10117 Berlin, Germany ‧ Registered at the Handelsregister Berlin-Charlottenburg under the number: HRB 218684 B ‧ VAT registration number: DE335865108 ‧ CEO: Jaroslaw Postnikov

The company is legally represented by Jaroslaw Postnikov.

Other helpful contacts

You can reach out to GamerProfiles concerning any matter by writing an email to

If you want to leave feedback on the application, suggest feature ideas, recommend missing games, suggest game-specific filters, or mention a bug, then the most efficient way is to use the feedback form.

If you believe that contents of our websites infringe copyrights or other intellectual property rights, please send us an email to to notify GamerProfiles of rights violations.

If you received a suspicious email that you think may not be from GamerProfiles, please report the suspicious email to us by sending the email to

Copyright & Trademarks

GamerProfiles is a service mark and trademark of GP 9000 GmbH. All our website designs, texts, graphics, each selection or layout thereof and all our software is legally protected property of GP 9000 GmbH (™ & Copyright © 2023-2023 GP 9000 GmbH, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED).

The logos, page headers and navigation bars, button icons, graphics and service names are trademarks or trade dress of GP 9000 GmbH. GP 9000 GmbH’s trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not GP 9000 GmbH’s, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers or in any manner that disparages or discredits GP 9000 GmbH.

The materials and information available on this website may not be used – in particular not reproduced, resold, changed or published – without the prior express written consent by GP 9000 GmbH.

All other trademarks not owned by GP 9000 GmbH that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by GP 9000 GmbH.